While in Barnes and Noble over the weekend, wonderful hubby and I ran into a lady who has the same diagnosis that I do. In talking to her, she told us that her doctor had recommend something called the Paleo diet. Intrigued, I decided to check it out.
Three days of research later, I broached the subject with my boys. They seem equally interested.
So it looks like we are going to be regressing back to the caveman days!

I need about another week of research and planning but I'm thinking a week from Sunday will be the start date.
I don't want to do fad diets, but I am trying to find something that we can follow. I thought about going back to the Dtour (Outsmart Diabetes) diet, but I could not figure out how to modify it for the Gluten Intolerance and IBS.
Check the link out! I'm very interested in reading what you all think!
Boot straps are pulled up and I am ready to go again. I try, I fail, and I berate myself, but I can not stop trying! I have to marshal on with this.
Also still thinking about moving this blog to a free-standing website. Would anyone visit it?